How to Properly Wash a Sweater Dress?


Warm, comfortable, natural, and fashionable sweater dresses are loved by people, but improper cleaning can cause the deformation. This article will help you properly wash sweater dresses so that they don't shrink.

Sweater dresses are a must for winter. They are warm, comfortable, and naturally stylish. The only problem with sweater dresses and sweaters, in general, is that they are sometimes difficult to wash and dry without shrinking or breaking their shape. However, the following help you properly wash sweater dresses so they don't shrink.

The first thing you should do is read the care instructions on the label. Now, the problem is that a lot of sweater dresses may say they need to be hand washed or dry cleaned, and let's face it, no one has the time to do that, not to mention that dry cleaning can be expensive. In my experience, you can wash a sweater dress in the washing machine as long as you use the gentle cycle (although if it's very expensive, you may need to hand wash it to be safe). It doesn't really shrink in the wash, especially if you use cold water.

The trick to preventing a sweater dress from shrinking is to avoid putting it in the dryer--that's where the damage happens. Instead, after you've lightly washed the sweater in cold water, don't put it in the dryer, but lay it flat to dry. Now you're probably wondering "why can't I just hang it up to dry?" Well, you can, but by laying it flat, you don't have to worry about your sweater dress deformation, which sometimes happens if you hang it up.

Once your sweater dress is dry, run a dryer sheet over it to remove static (this is a problem I often have). You will end up with a clean sweater dress that is completely undeformed.

If you're still not sure what to do and are looking for specific instructions based on the type of material your sweater dress is made of, you can read below.

Machine wash sweaters by fabric type

Acrylic: Acrylic is a man-made fiber that stretches when heated. Wash as directed on the label (usually in warm water). After machine washing the sweater, the acrylic should be air-dried on a flat surface, or dried on low heat. The care label will detail which is preferable. If you must iron a sweater dress, iron it from the inside out, on low heat, and be careful not to stretch it as it crumbles.

Angora: Angora sweater dresses are a mix of rabbit fur and synthetic fibers. It shrinks easily, so you should consider dry cleaning. If the label says it's washable, don't put it in the machine. Instead, hand wash with a delicate fabric detergent such as wool, then lay flat to dry.

Cashmere: Cashmere is usually goat hair mixed with wool or synthetic fibers. Again, follow the label instructions. You can usually wash cashmere in cold water on a fine cycle. After washing, roll up with a towel to squeeze out excess water, then shape and flatten to avoid direct sunlight or heat. 

Chenille: If you want chenille sweater dresses to stay soft, don't put them in the washing machine--even if the label says it's okay. The friction caused by the agitation of the machine can damage the fibers, making them stick or feel rough. Instead, wash from the inside out by hand, then lay flat to dry.

The above briefly describes the method of cleaning sweater dresses, if you want to know more or want to buy sweater dresses, please contact us.

CH is a professional custom sweater manufacturer with 20 years of production experience. Chenhong has always been committed to providing customers with the best quality service and producing the best quality sweaters. We have a strong ability to help you solve your problems. Our knowledge of yarns, fabrics, and processes maximizes quality while reducing costs. We are your reliable sweater supplier.